8 Easy Ideas to Help Others

 Yes, it’s that time again... The Christmas bells are ringing; the angel ornaments are dangling from the pine trees; there are beautifully wrapped holiday gifts everywhere; Santa is out on the corner looking as jolly as ever. But wait; upon closer look you notice that all is not quite as it seems. Those chiming bells are actually coming from a Salvation Army Volunteer holding a bucket and bell and hoping to raise money for food and clothing; and all of those pretty angel ornaments actually represent children and families in need; and the brightly wrapped presents are really drop off locations for “Toys For Tots”; even Santa, yes the Jolly Old Elf himself, is braving the cold in hopes that we would drop a few dimes into his bucket.

So what do we do? Honestly, most of us just try to avoid making eye contact. “Times are tough and money is tight and we just can’t help everybody in need – even though we would like too”. This is all true, but shouldn’t it be a goal, in this the season of giving, to do a little extra for someone in need. That little bit could mean someone has food this Christmas; maybe someone gets medicine that they desperately need; maybe someone gets a coat and is warm this winter because of you; maybe there will be a child whose only toy this Christmas will have your name on it; or maybe we could just smile at someone and make their day. There is something all of us can do to brighten up the holidays for someone else, the trick is to find out what and make a plan to just do it. No excuses. Just do something, for someone, who can’t do it for themselves. 

Date Night Gifts

Here are a few ideas:
1) Shop Smart
Buy holiday gifts from an organization that gives back. Many companies donate a portion sales to charity. When you do all, or part of your holiday shopping with these companies, it helps others without any stress or additional cost. It’s great to feel good about a purchase and know that your gift will bless not only its recipient, but also someone in need. Obviously, our favorite company is “Gift Basket Village”. With high-quality gift basket designs to choose from, same day shipment, easy ordering, how can you go wrong? (http://www.giftbasketvillage.com)

2) Carry Some Singles
Carry at least 10-One Dollar bills in your purse or wallet, so that you are ready next time you pass a charity bucket.

3) Buy One Extra Gift
When shopping for holiday gifts, get one extra toy. Wrap it and keep it in your car so that when you pass a “Toys for Tots” box, it’s ready. (toysfortots.org)

4) Pick an Angel Off the Tree
Select a child or family you are going to help. You know their name, age, gender and wish list. 

5) Clean Out The Closet
It’s cold outside and as much as we may gripe and complain, there are people out there right now without warm coats, while we have them to spare. “One Warm Coat” will tell you where they are collecting coats in your local area: onewarmcoat.org

6) Make Your Gift Count
Skip stressing over the crazy uncle or wealthy grandma who has everything. Send them a letter letting them know that you love them, wish them a merry Christmas, and that in their honor you are going to sponsor a child or feed a village. (worldvision.org). At “World Vision”, you can pick a gift, such as a couple of chickens to buy for a village, and they will donate your gift and send a card to someone (crazy Uncle Jack, for example) letting them know that a charitable gift was given in their honor. What a great idea.

7) Help the Homeless
Be ready to do more than look away next time you see someone on the street holding a sign. They are desperate for someone to see them and many times they have families that you don’t even see. Many people worry about what they will spend the money on, but its a few dollars- risk it. They may just need to feed their kids. Or, the next time you are at McDonalds buy a few $5 food cards and keep them in your car. This is a great way to be ready to help and also make sure your money is going to be spent on food.

8) Smile
It’s Christmas, let’s spread a little joy. Even if you think you have nothing to give, you can still give a smile. It’s contagious, let’s spread it around and start a movement.

Christmas Gifts

We all have a part to play in the lives of others. There is something that every one of us has to give. All we need to do is find out what that is and give it. Do something. Now, more than ever, we see need all around us, so now, more than ever, we need to do what we can to lighten at least one other persons load. And isn't it amazing how great you feel when you do something for someone else. That's the true sprit of Christmas. And it really doesn’t even have to cost much to help someone. It may just cost us a smile.

Be blessed, be a blessing and have a very Merry Christmas.

I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.~ Helen Keller

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